
90 days

I have continually said I planned on getting back on track with my relationship with God. I have continually slacked off about it. So I have challenged myself to 90 days. This is nothing special. It's just me agreeing to do a quiet time every day for the next 90 days. I plan to blog about what I read about each day and my thoughts on what I read.

Today I was looking at the index of my Bible and trying to think what to start with. I thought I would start small and picked Titus. Although one of the smallest books of the Bible I think I may have hit onto something that is by no means small. I read the entire book today and what I read made me want to go in depth with this book. I'll take as long a it takes for me to mine these verses for their wisdom.

My immediate thoughts are that Paul is showing what the church should be modeled after and I'm not sure that today's church matches up at all. And I feel maybe that's why so many people claim to be Christian but don't really know what that means. Maybe I'll understand better myself as I study further.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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