
Day 7

Today's verses are Titus 3:1-3:2. So much packed into two tiny little verses. Paul urges believers to submit to authority. Follow the rules of the authority. And be humble. Live a life of humbleness.

I don't think this means to let people walk over you or mistreat you. It's just saying that we should obey those put in authority over us. Our parents, our bosses, our law enforcement officers, and even the government and the president. That doesn't mean we have to agree with everything they do. We just follow the laws and rules they set in place. So what do we do when someone in authority asks us to do something against God? Well that's a tough one. I think we follow our beliefs and do what's right based off of those beliefs and deal with the consequences. Paul was put in jail so many times but he always was respectful and didn't go against them. He trusted in God to watch over and protect him. It's not easy to do but something to strive for.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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