
Take up your cross

Jesus said to take up your cross and to follow him. What does that mean. I have a few thoughts. First off I think that cross was a symbol of the biggest burden Christ ever had to bear. He was up there and every sin that any person who claims His name from start to finish were lain upon His shoulders. And He never did anything to deserve that. I have my own sins that I refuse to carry most of the time. I don't even own up to most of them either. So what does it mean to take up my cross?

I think for me it's owning up to the fact I do wrong when I do it. I need to learn how to recognize when I am doing wrong and stop myself. If I can own my own actions and not pass the blame then I'll be on the right track.

What about the following Him part? How am I supposed to do that. He lived His life as a living sacrifice to His father. I don't really listen to what He tells me to do at all. I havn't even prayed in a really long time much less open my Bible to hear Him speak. So how can I begin to know what path I should be on when I stopped listening and praying a long time ago. I am the worlds worst procrastinator. I always put off doing what is right just one more day. I can't promise this time will be any different because I never intend it to be that way. But I am truly desiring to have a better walk with my God. Thats my hope.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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