
Day 6

Today's verses are Titus 2:11-2:15. In these verses Paul is reminding Titus that we have been called to turn from sin and live in Christ. He tells Titus that he has the authority to tell Christians they are doing wrong and correcting them.

There is so much about the bible I find confusing. I think it's because of how vast it is. It's hard to remember everybody's of it. So when something that seems contradictory comes up we can't see the whole picture.

In these verses I'm turning over the idea of sinful living in my head. Paul says elsewhere in the bible that each man deals with his sin as he searches after God earnestly because God starts dealing with him. And at first glance I see Paul contradicting himself here by saying to Titus to turn people away from their sins. But by thinking deeper on it I think it simply means that Titus is teaching others what is right. It doesn't necessarily mean that the people will instantly turn from it. How can we learn the right way to do something with out being shown in some way. Especially when we aren't getting it right on our own.

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