
Day 4

Today I'm looking back over Titus 1:13-1:16. In these verses Paul is urging Titus to correct the people who have heard false teaching and fallen astray and not in a gentle manner but sternly.

This says to me that correction can be stern and sometimes needs to be. My trouble with that is knowing If what I believe is better than what someone else believes.

Paul also mentions that people who's hearts are pure will have pure actions. And that people with corrupt hearts will live in a detestable way that is displeasing to God.

I can see this verse in a few ways. I'm going to try to focus on the way I think it is meant. To me this means that we can be pure of heart. Our actions will show it if we are or not. I know there are people of pure heart outside of church or religion. This leads me into thinking about the verse that says that no good thing can come unless it comes from God. So the question this brings to me is are people with pure hearted actions following God even if they don't realize they are? And then the next question is do they get to go to heaven too? Because they are following God they just don't know it's God.

I can't give answer to either but I sort of lean towards yes on both. I may be completely wrong but I it feels right.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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